A cookbook can provide the recipe for an apple pie, or a thousand recipes for the same food.
A manual can teach us how to replace the brakes on our vehicle. Or fly a plane or perform brain surgery.
While we can learn the how-to-do-it, we can still be miserable at doing it.
And learning how to be un-miserable is an art. The mistake we make is thinking it is a trade. It’s more of a skill, it has random and variable elements. All we can hope for is a compass not a map.
We can be miserable with a million bucks in the bank and we can be fulfilled with 20 bucks in the back. And vice versa.
Since the beginning of time, it’s not the what we have but how we enjoy what we have. It’s about learning how to live and learning what our needs are. The single most reliable source for knowing ourselves is our inner being not exterior sources.
Know thyself.